Sunday, July 5, 2015

Black RD, Blue Apron: Seared Salmon with Red Quinoa and Pea Shoot Salad

This was a great recipe! I’d never heard of pea shoots until Blue Apron. Pea shoots are the young leaves of a pea plant and are high in Vitamins K, C, A and folic acid. It’s largely found in Washington, San Diego, New York and South Florida at farmers markets or Trader Joe's.

The most difficult part of the recipe was deseeding the lemon. I don’t know what I was doing, but I made a mess. I got through it though. I was a little hesitant about the lemon, sugar and salt combo, but it turned out nicely (I poured a little of the mixture over the salad. YUM!) I was also a little scared about eating the skin of the salmon. Once you cook it, it gets really crispy and flavorful.

The only adjustment I’d make to the recipe is:

Allow the red quinoa to cool for 15 minutes in the refrigerator before mixing with the pea shoots and cucumber salad.

Bon Appétit!

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