Friday, June 26, 2015

Introducing... Black RD, Blue Apron

Hello all,

I am SUPER excited to be back. Now that I live in New York, I’ve been on the go a lot. You would think that I would lose weight from all of the walking, but I haven’t. I’ve actually gained almost 10 pounds! And I’m spending WAY more money…especially on food. So I’ve decided to take charge of my weight and my health. I’m going to be more active (got my YMCA membership yesterday) and I’m going to cook more.

So, I know everyone has been seeing all of those Blue Apron commercials. They send you fresh food and a recipe and you cook it. It’s actually pretty economical, ($9.99 per meal, per person) compared to typical meal in New York. So, I’m trying it out!

Once I received the food, and prepared it, I noticed there were a few ways to make their meals a little healthier; and that’s where I come in. I decided to have a series on my blog called, “Black RD, Blue Apron,” where I give examples on how to make Blue Apron and other recipes healthier. I hope you enjoy it. Bon Appétit!

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