Friday, April 28, 2017

My Lent 2017 Recap: So Many Lessons Learned

So, I know I'm a little late, but I wanted to let you know about my Lent 2017 journey.

For Lent, I gave up white bread, rice, pasta and potatoes, breaded foods and alcohol. I also worked out at least 4 days per week. In the beginning, it was a little tough. By week 3, it was a breeze. I called my sister up and let her know that I didn't really feel closer to God for the past few weeks. She said, "Maybe you can do the Daniel Fast next year." But I didn't want to wait until then.

I read my daily devotional and it spoke about fasting and different types of fasts. So, I decided to do that. I started fasting from 12am to 12pm every day. You may think it was easy because you're asleep for most of that time. It was not! I go to the gym at 7 in the morning most days of the week. I would get home after working out and eat NOTHING. I would get ready for work, commute there and eat NOTHING. And sometimes my coworkers would bring food for everyone (bagels or fruit) and I would eat NOTHING. Once 12 o'clock came around, I was a savage! I'd go from total control to complete loss of control. 

The same thing happened when Lent was over. I went crazy and ate everything that I couldn't eat for the past 40 + days. And I paid a BIG price for that. I lost almost 10 pounds and felt pretty good during Lent. But once it was all said and done, I felt like I needed to eat all of those foods I had not eaten in so long. It was like, "Oh! You haven't eaten French fries in a while. You've GOT to eat them now." Let me tell you! The pain that came after eating those foods was excruciating. I was so bloated and gassy and just felt like crap overall. My joints were also aching more. It's like my body was rejecting those foods because I had not eaten them in so long. 

It made me think: 
1. My body probably doesn't like these foods and just manages to get used to them after a while of having them in my diet. 
2. I need to gain control of my eating habits. 

So, I've identified the problem. What's the plan? Moderation. Yep, the key word of every dietitian. It’s the truth though. Moderation is the key. Overall good health and maintaining weight loss is not about the all or nothing mentality. It’s about creating and being consistent with healthy eating. And allowing yourself to eat “not healthy” foods sometimes. It is true; Lent did catapult me into healthier eating. But the old Natasha reared her head once it was over. I won’t fall back into that way of life; especially since I know the horrible effects it has on me. So, my Lent journey was a great learning process. Not only did I become closer with God, I became more in tuned with myself and the way my body and mind works. Seems like a win/win to me!

So, how did your Lent journey go? Did you continue on with what you gave up after Lent was over? Let me know in your comments below.

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