Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Year's Resolution?

Hello All,

According to Wikipedia, a New Year's Resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. According to Natasha, a New Year's Resolution is a hope and a wish that people make that slowly fades away by March. Losing weight, eating healthy, stop smoking and exercising more are all among the toppers on these lists. Now, I'm not trying to knock anyone, but let's strive to do better than just a list in 2013.

In the past, I've come up with a mantra or phrase to help guide and motivate me through out the new year. One year it was CHANGE. Another year it was ADHERENCE. This year it's, "Stop Wishing and Do." I've taken note that in 2012 I've said 'I wish' more than usual. What's holding me back? NOTHING!!! Well maybe there is something...myself. We all know our own situations. We know our limits. I challenge you in 2013 to surpass that limit. Don't listen to the little voice in your head saying you can't do it. Make a plan and follow through.

This is for those who lose who lose 8 pounds and then decide to get a # 2 from McDonald's.  For those who begin running every morning for a week and a half, and then decide to sleep in because it's 59 degrees outside. For those who start their dream business and then stop because their mom and best friend look at them sideways whenever they talk about it.  I encourage I URGE you to make it happen in 2013.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Intro

Hello All,

Thanks for taking the time out to check out my blog, "Bite Sized Buzz: Simple Health & Nutrition Tidbits." I created this blog to motivate myself and others to help live a healthier lifestyle. Now, I know when people hear the word "HEALTHY" they think of diets, boring exercises and lots of money spent. I'm here to let you know there are more simple, fun and cheaper ways to get in shape and STAY in shape!

I'm sure you guys don't want to just read advice from any person (I know I don't). So let me briefly introduce myself. I am Natasha Ashley RD, LD/N. These credentials at the end of my name basically mean that I am a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Nutritionist. So, I am legit folks. I have been a nutritionist for the past 6 years. I've spoken at various events and provided personalized nutrition information to many in the South Florida area. Now I want to expand with this blog.

I would like everyone to read and comment on what you've taken in. Give suggestions and ideas on what you would like to know more about in health and nutrition. And pass the word along to others you may feel want to "Get their Sexy Back," find out more on "Minorities and Diabetes," get info on "Tasty Treats with Tiny Calories,"or do some "Quick Workouts for Quick Weight Loss." I hope you enjoy.