Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Breast Cancer and Nutrition

Hello All,

As we enter Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I thought it would be great to provide information on nutrition and how it can be correlated with Breast Cancer. NOTICE!!! No nutritional regimen can flat out prevent Breast Cancer, but the risk can be reduced.

1. Increase Fruit and Vegetables- These super foods have natural ingredients and properties that may lower odds of developing negative Breast Cancer receptors. Consume at least 5 servings per day.

2. Increase Fiber- Studies show that fiber may aid with altering the hormonal actions of Breast Cancer and have natural anti inflammatory agents.

3. Decrease Fat- The type of fat consumed in your diet may initiate the development of Breast Cancer. Foods with high amounts of saturated fat (beef, organ meats, cheese, butter) and trans fat (commercially prepared baked goods) are an example of these kinds of fats.

4. Increase Omega 3's- Certain fish, legumes, lentils and nuts contain Omega 3 fatty acids. Research suggests that these fatty acids may inhibit growth of breast tumors.

5. Increase Vitamin D- Those who consume more Vitamin D or spend a lot of time outdoors
 (sun = Vitamin D), were less likely to develop Breast Cancer.

6. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight- There is a direct correlation between body mass and Breast Cancer in post menopausal women. Seek professional nutrition advice on the proper body weight for you and how to achieve that goal.

Though genetics may play a big part in acquiring Breast Cancer, it's good to know that we can take preventative measures that can drastically lower our chances and combat this deadly disease.