Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Breast Cancer and Nutrition

Hello All,

As we enter Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I thought it would be great to provide information on nutrition and how it can be correlated with Breast Cancer. NOTICE!!! No nutritional regimen can flat out prevent Breast Cancer, but the risk can be reduced.

1. Increase Fruit and Vegetables- These super foods have natural ingredients and properties that may lower odds of developing negative Breast Cancer receptors. Consume at least 5 servings per day.

2. Increase Fiber- Studies show that fiber may aid with altering the hormonal actions of Breast Cancer and have natural anti inflammatory agents.

3. Decrease Fat- The type of fat consumed in your diet may initiate the development of Breast Cancer. Foods with high amounts of saturated fat (beef, organ meats, cheese, butter) and trans fat (commercially prepared baked goods) are an example of these kinds of fats.

4. Increase Omega 3's- Certain fish, legumes, lentils and nuts contain Omega 3 fatty acids. Research suggests that these fatty acids may inhibit growth of breast tumors.

5. Increase Vitamin D- Those who consume more Vitamin D or spend a lot of time outdoors
 (sun = Vitamin D), were less likely to develop Breast Cancer.

6. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight- There is a direct correlation between body mass and Breast Cancer in post menopausal women. Seek professional nutrition advice on the proper body weight for you and how to achieve that goal.

Though genetics may play a big part in acquiring Breast Cancer, it's good to know that we can take preventative measures that can drastically lower our chances and combat this deadly disease.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back at it!

Hello All,

It's been a while, but I'm back at it again. The last few months have been challenging, to say the least. It can be a little difficult to become inspired and do what you know you're supposed to do when that little person inside your head is telling you that you can't do it. Now, I am challenging myself and challenging YOU to do better. I'm challenging us to BE better. We all know what we want, but give up prematurely. I'm going to take my own advice and set small goals first. Go to bed by 10:30 pm...Check. Exercise three times per week...Check. Eat healthier...ummmm. I'm still a work in progress. And we all have to remember that. At times we all fall short, but we can't dwell in it. We have to quiet that negative person inside (and sometimes outside) of us. Prove them wrong! There's no better time than now. Join me on this journey to a healthier person inside and out.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Natasha's Nutrition Plan

Hello All,
In order to lose one pound, you need to subtract about 3500 calories per week. That's 500 calories per day. This may mean changing up your lifestyle a bit. I have devised Natasha's Nutrition Plan to help me shed some pounds.

1. Eat 5-6 SMALL meals per day.

2. Make most of the food on your plate fruit or vegetables. Visualize your plate. Cut it in half. The bottom half should be your veggies. Then cut the top half in half again. One part protein, one part starch.

3. Avoid refined sugars such as white bread, white rice and white potatoes. Avoid sweetened beverages such as soda, energy drinks and juices that are not 100% fruit juice. Avoid fried foods and junk foods.
4. Increase colorful starches such as brown rice, whole wheat/multi-grain bread and pasta, sweet potatoes.

5. Drink mostly water. A cup of 100% fruit juice and low fat milk is OK.

6. Keep a food journal and count your calories. I use calorieking.com to look up the amount of calories in foods. Most people reduce their calories to about 1200-1800 calories per day. A licensed professional (like myself) can give you the exact amount.

7. Cut your portion sizes and don't over eat.

8. Do cardio 3-5 days per week for at least 30 minutes a day, and resistance training 2-3 days per week.

*** Notice I said AVOID certain foods. This means EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. If I want some french fries, I may get some. But it won't be large fries, and I won't eat it everyday. Proper weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week. Some may lose more, some may lose less. The most accurate way to gauge weight loss is by measuring inches lost, not necessarily pounds lost. REMINDER: special considerations are needed for those with health problems.***

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Quick Tips for Resoultions and Goals!

Hello All and Happy New Year,

In my last post, I spoke about setting resolutions. This time around, let's discuss how to attain and maintain those 2013 resolutions and goals. I've done some research and compiled the most effective ways to keep your New Year's Resolutions:

1. Make a Plan - Many times people have this spectacular idea in their head. But when they put it out there, it falls flat. Why is that? It's because they have made no real plan. Sit down with a piece of pen and paper and brainstorm. Take it back to elementary school...Start with Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? And don't forget that most plans need revamping. So update your plan when you get new ideas. 

2. Make it a Habit - A habit forms after 14 days of consistency. Make sure what ever your resolution is, you follow through for more than two weeks. It makes it easier to accomplish after that. But don't slack off on day 15. 

3. Set Small Goals through out the Year - There's nothing in the rule book that says your resolutions have to be for all of 2013. It's actually more effective if you set small goals, reach those and then set some more. For example: I will lose 5 pounds by February. Then set a goal of another 5 pounds once February 1st arrives. These monthly goals can help you stay on track with your yearly resolution.

4. Be Specific - This year, I will exercise more!!! Uh...NO! Let's try this instead: I will go to the gym at least four times per week. Two days for cardio and two days for resistance training. Being vague gives you loopholes, and those can deter you from reaching your goal.

5. Allow for Mistakes - There may be those few days where you may over eat or miss the gym because you're sick. It's OK. Just make sure you don't allow it to take over and impair you from reaching your goal. 

6. Limit your Number - Research has shown that those who set two or three goals per year achieve them at a higher rate than those who set more than that. Try this: Make a list, prioritize them, and then ditch the ones you can do without. Pick those top three that you feel most passionate about and have the most motivation to do. 

7. Avoid Past Failures - Emotional ties from things in our past can affect our future. So try and start fresh in 2013. If you weren't able to keep your resolution from 2012, try something different. Try a different approach. A new year, a new goal, a new you!

8. Make it Something You Really Want - If your resolution is to study and pass the GRE, but then don't want to go back to school, why include that? Keeping resolutions are already hard enough. Don't stress yourself out even more by adding things you don't truly care about.  
9. Support, Support, Support - There's a higher chance of you maintaining those resolutions if you have a support system behind you. Sometimes we need a little nudge or a little extra motivation, and that's perfectly fine. But beware of those who make take that nudge and turn it into a full on punch. You want someone that will help propel you, not pull you down.

10. Visualize it Regularly - I know you've heard that saying, "Out of sight, out of mind." The same thing may happen with your resolution if you're not careful. Here are a few ideas: Write your goals on your calendar. Place sticky notes on your mirror, refrigerator and even your car visor. Try making a vision board. I have a vision board! It's placed where I can see it everyday. It helps me focus my attention to my goals at hand. You may even want to try having a vision board party with a few of your friends. Everyone brings their own board, magazines, and other supplies. Add food and friends, and you'll have a good time while taking a step to reach your goal. 

11. Reward Yourself - Now I don't mean downing a whole cheesecake once you've gone to the gym for a month straight. How about a spa day? Or buying those shoes you've been eyeing for the past couple of weeks. But be careful with rewarding yourself! Remember to live within your means and not to let it throw you off track. 

12. Don't Give Up - There may be those days where you want to throw in the towel. Yes, it may get tough, but think of what is to come...A happier you, a happier family, a happier life! Make sure you take sight and hold on to that. What ever burden it may be now, just know it's worth it in the end.